It was during a long trip to Central America as part of my master's degree in ethnology (Paris X) that I discovered Afro-American dance and the power of rhythm (Garifuna Company of Tegucigalpa in Honduras).
On my return to Paris, I trained and obtained a monitor in Afro-American dances (Free dance Song directed by C de Rougemont) and at the same time took training in primitive expression (rhythmic gesture workshop directed by F Schott Billmann).
I continue to learn about other practices and continue my travels (India, Palestine, Mexico...) to enrich my know-how and my imagination: Kalaripayat, Dance Gypsie, percussion, singing (Roy Hart, Pantheatre, Gaelle Ecoiffier ...), contact dance...
Yoga practitioner since 1996, I followed an intensive training of 200 hours in Sivananda yoga in 2009, a 100 hours training in Ashtanga in 2012, 2 years in Natha yoga...
Lover of words and their music since childhood...I trained in self-praise (Springing and declamatory poetry) with Marie Millis.
The neo-shamanic path has called me since I was 20, from my first readings of Castaneda, Victor Sanchez... to my experiences during Iboga ceremonies, Peyote in the Mexican desert, workshops with Roberta Rivin, Eric Sunfox Marchal, Willem Hartman (school of Michael Harner and Robert Moss) ... This way of beauty gives me incredible support to keep my bravery when I feel unsteady, to feel more aligned, connected, to delight in to be on earth...
Intervention for all public, for institutions, in schools (accreditation), in companies, in the field of personal and collective development...
Workshops, half day session, 2 to 4 day course
My artistic profession and my commitment to the animal and planetary cause are closely intertwined, today more than ever...
- Writing, acting and staging in shows for young audiences CLIPS HERE
They combine singing, storytelling, soundscapes, danced movement
- Poetic readings for all audiences from 10 years old
- Exhibition of pastel animal portraits
- The first volume of FRISSON ANIMAL has been on sale since February 2020
Others are being written as well as youth albums